Useful apps and software packages

Offset Kozachenko-Leonenko estimators

Efficient estimation of Shannon's differential entropy and continuous mutual information for image colors. Check out the tutorial here.

Download the R, Python, and MatLab packages in the github repository


The goal of VisionApp Solutions is to develop apps and solutions for personal, mobile devices that take care of your eyes. For more information, check out their website


IRIS: Indiana Retinal Image Simulator

IRIS is an evolution of Thibos' FOC (Fourier Optics Calculator) with a intuitive, easy-to-use graphical user interface. For more information visit the IRIS website at Indiana University


Model-free estimation of a psychometric function

Go to the CRAN repository

(download the MatLab package here)

Software for vision science

Adding a list of resources for visual sciences here would be absurd, having Hans Strasburger's exhaustive list of software for visual psychophysics

For when you need a distraction

Mackenzie Crook's detectorists: If you are looking for a real treasure. "This is a metal detector, we are detectorists". "Well, no, the holy grail is the holy grail of treasure hunting".


Veritasium Youtube channel: science made fun


John Oliver's piece on Scientific Studies: what if Archer was a scientist?