The Open Perimetry Initiative (OPI)

The OPI is a standard for interfacing with visual field testing machines (perimeters). It specifies basic functions that allow many visual field tests to be constructed. As of October 2017 it is fully implemented on the Octopus 900 and partially on the Heidelberg Edge Perimeter, the Kowa AP 7000, the CrewT IMO and the Centervue Compass. It also has a cousin: the R package 'visualFields', which has tools for analysing and manipulating visual field data.

The Open Perimetry Interface

The Open Perimetry Interface (OPI) for simulating and controlling visual field machines using R

For a released version of OPI 2.x go the CRAN OPI page

For the development version go to the github OPI page


Statistical Methods for visual fields testing machines (perimeters)

For the released version of visualFields 1.x go to the CRAN visualFields page

For the development version go to the github visualFields page

For the former version visualFields 0.6 go to the github repository vf0

OPI for Phone on a Head Mounted Display

Performs perimetry with the help of the OPI in your Android phone

Download the Phone HMD apk or use your phone to scan the QR code on the right

For the development version go to the github opiPhoneHMD page


A Shiny app to drive the device

Download the application from the opiApp github page